Feeding Families Empowering Women Regenerating the Earth

  • In 2023, nearly 282 million people experienced acute hunger.

    Global Report on Food Crises 2024

  • Exacerbated by climate change, this number continues to rise.

    United Nations Academic Impact Report

  • Women and girls suffer disproportionately from climate change and hunger.

    UNFCCC Secretariat

  • Yet they only receive about 2 percent of charitable giving in the United States.

    Women and Girls' Index


Food Forest Network is investing in women to solve hunger and build a sustainable future. Together, we can feed families, empower women, and regenerate the earth.

Feeding Families

In collaboration with our on-the-ground partners, we provide women with the resources they need to plant nourishing, self-sustaining food forests.

Empowering Women

We position women as central agents of change in their communities by helping them establish farming collectives.

Community Regeneration Hubs enable collective members to collaboratively process and sell crops.

We connect the collectives with businesses that are committed to equitable sourcing, and we facilitate profitable, ongoing contracts.

Regenerating the Earth

We take immediate, grassroots action to mitigate climate change by helping women actively restore degraded lands, cultivate resilient, sustainable food systems, and lead local efforts toward adaptation.

Join Us.

513 East Main Street P.O. Box 2561 Charlottesville, VA 22902